Organic Abstract Process

Organic Abstract Process


Most paintings begin with a base layer of coffee grounds. Once dried, I scrape the excess off to reveal a beautiful, wild texture. 

With a pallet knife in hand, I then create a mixture of beach sand, natural pigments, and a water based medium to begin the painting process. 

Inspiration comes from observing nature. If you look closely at a leaf or rock or seashell, nature’s beauty has already composed a gorgeous abstract picture. I draw from these designs to create my own, using sticks or my hands to make intuitive markings. 

The beauty about abstracts is that the interpretation of beauty and meaning belong to you. Is it a rock? A tidepool? A tree branch? That’s for you to decide! 

This process has come to mean so much to me. It’s a joy to share with you! 

Coffee GroundsPaintBrick


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